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BroadbandNow Provider FAQs

My plans aren’t showing up on Why?

We manually collect and validate every plan you see on BroadbandNow from providers’ websites. If your plans aren’t showing up, it is usually one of two reasons.

1) We can’t find them on your website.

2) They don’t fit our standard format.

In order to be listed on BroadbandNow at a minimum you’ll need the sustained download speed, the monthly price, and the URL… and we have to be able to find it.

We also collect additional plan information like data caps, upload speed, contract length, termination fees, and more in order to help consumers make informed decisions.

My business plans aren’t showing up on Why?

In order for your business plans to show up on BroadbandNow you must publically advertise your business pricing. If you don’t we can’t list your business plans.

How do you handle different plans in different regions?

If you use regional pricing, then make sure to fill out your regions in the region tool.

Having multiple regions causes your plans to be updated less frequently, (because it is exponentially more work for our team) but by helping us identify your regions we’ll be able to accurately show the correct plans and prices to consumers.

All of the areas we offer service in aren’t shown on BroadbandNow. What can I do to fix it?

The dataset that powers BroadbandNow is as up to date as we can get from both public and proprietary sources. That said, the majority of our deployment data comes from the FCC and NTIA which have large delays in their release schedule.

To update your data to match your current deployment you just need to upload your Fixed Broadband Deployment and Fixed Broadband Subscription data to the dashboard. From there we’ll process and validate your data, once validation is complete it will show live on

What data do you need to update my availability and coverage area?

To update your coverage, we need your fixed broadband deployment dataset. This is the same dataset that nearly all broadband providers in the US are legally required to file. We accept the same format as the FCC’s form 477.

Do you accept other types of coverage data (Zip Codes, Cities, Neighborhoods)?

At this time we do not as granular uniform data is the only way to create an accurate tool for users. Zip codes, cities, and neighborhoods are not granular enough.

How do reviews and ratings work?

Our review and rating system only allows a segment of users coming from an IP adddress assigned to a provider, to review and rate that provider.

When looking at reviews of the broadband industry we found that most consumers don’t usually stop their day to leave a positive review of their broadband provider… so as a result most websites are filled with rants or poor ratings.

This is less than ideal for both the provider and the consumer.

To better attract accurate reviews across the entire subscriber base of a provider, we engineered our system as follows:

1) We only ask visitors to review/rate their provider when they are accessing our site from an IP address assigned to that provider.

2) We only ask a small random portion of consumers to rate/review their provider.

3) We only allow reviews that are helpful to consumers to make an informed decision. Rants, opinions, or “he said, she said” reviews are removed. (Reviews are not currently live on the site, but we have 10,000+ from IP verified users.).

Note: By not asking ALL consumers we can prevent companies from manipulating their rating and from consumers knowing they can come to and leave a bad review when they are frustrated. For companies with fewer reviews a larger percentage of customers are asked, for companies with many more reviews a much smaller percentage are asked.

You aren’t showing any ratings or reviews for my company.

In order to have your customers review and rate your provider we need to know the IP ranges they will be coming from. We generally get this data from publicly available datasources, but if you still aren’t seeing reviews for your service, it is probably because we aren’t able to pair your customer’s IP addresses to you.

Within the dashboard you are able to add the IP ranges that they will be originating from. Once those are entered, our system will process them between 24 and 72 hours and ask future visitors in that range to rate your service

We’ve changed our logo, how can we update it?

Send us an email at with your new logo on a transparent background, saves as a png and we’ll get it updated. That said, the logo must match what is on your website.

How can we update our phone number?

We collect the customer service number from your website. If we’ve collected the wrong number, send us a note at

How can we update what page you link to for a plan?

The page that we collect the plan from is the page we link to.