Google Fiber Customer Reviews Summary

Customer Service

We asked BroadbandNow users to review Google Fiber based on four core attributes: Customer Service, Reliability, Speed, and Value.

BroadbandNow readers submitted 664 for Google Fiber. Google Fiber earned an average score of 3.35 out of 5.

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Google Fiber Internet Customer Reviews

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*Please note we only publish helpful, relevant, and specific reviews. When writing your review, please support your rating with detailed reasoning.

Customer service not great.

Rob Eliason on June 04, 2024

We switched to Google Fiber expecting it to be much better than our other provider, it performs about the same. Our internet went out on Monday 3 June 2024 and we called customer service immediately. We told customer service we both work from home and have 2 college students taking online classes. They said the best they could do is get someone out to fix the problem on Wednesday 5 June 2024. When we asked if there wasn’t anything sooner they said we could check online to see if any appointments opened sooner. When we complained and said that was unacceptable we were told we don’t have a contract and are free to change providers. Customer service is not great.

Better than promised!

Bill Spornitz on December 30, 2023

I've got about 2 weeks now on upgrading from 1 Gig to 2 Gig here in Olathe, Kansas. Well how often do you get better service or products from a company (Google Fiber in this case) and it performs better than advertised? I ordered Google's 2 Gig service and new upgraded routers. Consistently getting 2.150+Gig on the download speeds and 2.350+ Gig on the upload speeds. Just couldn't be happier! Highly recommend!! THANK YOU!

The best internet service

Kira Mobley on October 17, 2023

Every time it rains or storms out, the services never go out compared to the other providers going out when the weather changes, there are so many service outages.

Performance less than advertised

William Douthat on August 30, 2023

Some in the family are relying on our Spectrum service. I am concerned about a letter saying our house is approved for an upgrade to 2 Gig at $70/month. We were initially billed at $70 for 1 Gig then switched to 2 Gig at $100/month. And now others are backtracking on its "upgrade approved" promise.

Bad internet connection

Ruby on June 22, 2023

We switched to Google fiber and it’s been nothing but a disappointment. They keep saying iit’s an area wide problem, but they don’t do anything to resolve the problem. It’s going on 3 weeks without proper usage. Terrible company.

Google Fiber is Amazing

Richmond Baker on April 17, 2023

Google Fiber is Amazing... My family and I have had it since 2016/2017 don't remember the exact year but I did get it on Cinco De Mayo one of those years. It was ROCK solid for about 5 or 6 years; however, we did have a spell this past December where a separate company was working on the road near the Fiber Hut that services my community in the Prosperity Church Road area of Charlotte NC and this company cut the fiber multiple times and the service went down like 10 times in a week, but they seem to have finished that road work and things are back to being rock solid. I am sure that I am jinxing myself with this post... but figured that I would put this out there for you folks. Also, The customer service has been world-clas as well. For those that have not switched to google fiber, you really need to do it, there may be some challenges getting it into your neighborhood cutting services like gas and water lines, and getting it going but once it's in, It's in! the medium of Fiber is more than likely the main reason that things are so stable, so if you do not have access to Google Fiber, any fiber would be better than Cable or DSL. So in summary: 1. Get any fiber service you can get, it's much faster and much more reliable. 2. Get Google Fiber if it's available where you live 9.999 times out of 10 you will not regret it. Have a great day.

Google Fiber Forever

Jazmine on March 26, 2023

Amazing! I live in the Kansas City area and it works great for us. Best internet service we have ever had here. Other big companies were overpriced, absolute disappointments. I was reluctant to sign up for Google Fiber at first but when we decided to try it, we became forever customers. We have plenty of data and no speed issues. Working from home and having your internet drop is a no-go. This hasn't been an issue with GF. Very happy with it! Also, customer service is EVERYTHING! Highly recommended!

When it works, it’s okay

Greg on November 30, 2022

When it works, it works. We’re on the 1 gig plan, which means we can see speeds up to 1 gig. In practice we are usually well below that speed. The worst part is our upload speed is 2 to 3 times faster than our download speed. From our wired computers to tablets, phones, and game devices, average speed is 50 mbps. On a side rant, the installer was not interested in where we wanted the fiber connection. He drilled a hole on the wall, ran the cable and left. So our fiber box and routers are in a horrible position for Wi-Fi, but according to Google that’s our issue since they only provide service to the fiber hub.

Great stuff

Ron on August 09, 2019

The only complaint I have with their service is that install takes a long time. From the day you sign up, it took about 3 weeks to actually have internet service, and the communication on their side is lackluster when it comes to that. However, everything else has been an amazing experience. Their technician was polite and accommodating, their service has been outstanding, and speeds have been stable. I pay for the 1000mb/s plan and I'm consistently sitting between 800-950, with pings in the ~4ms area, but some of that could be due to my own hardware. I can't really comment on their customer service, because I've never had to contact them. This is the most stable and reliable experience I've ever had with an ISP and I'm hesitant to ever move out of their service area for fear of having to use a different provider.

Great service

Kevin on July 10, 2015

Google Fiber is free, which is the best part. It's free plan offers 5 Mbps, which is not super fast, but it's enough for movie streaming for one person. It offers a predictable 5 Mbps that never changes and never seems to get disrupted. Their customer service is good and helpful.

About Our Google Fiber Customer Reviews

Fiber internet connections are generally the fastest options available, and Google Fiber’s top speeds prove that it’s no exception to the rule. Though Google Fiber’s availability is still limited in some areas of the country, it’s a popular option for those who can get it. percent of customers who have reviewed Google Fiber on this page gave it a positive review overall. If these reviews convince you, check out our Google Fiber deals page before you sign up to make sure that you get the best price available.