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Vivian Nguyen performs hands-on testing of devices and internet services, providing in-depth reviews and insights for each category. Vivian also works as a writer, teaching people about internet providers, how to save on internet, and how the internet and devices related to it function.


Vivian Nguyen performs hands-on testing of devices and internet services, providing in-depth reviews and insights for each category. Vivian also works as a writer, teaching people about internet providers, how to save on internet, and how the internet and devices related to it function.

Since joining BroadbandNow in 2022, Vivian has focused on hands-on consumer-facing guides that help families find the services they need at the right price. Vivian takes particular pleasure in helping internet users who work remotely from their homes. Vivian’s passion makes BroadbandNow a destination for remote workers who need help with things like choosing the right router, picking an internet plans, and troubleshooting Wi-Fi problems.

Vivian has more than six years of editorial experience, developing brand marketing strategies and content for various target audiences and users. They’re a copywriter with knowledge across different industries, including broadband and video streaming.

Professional Background & Education

Vivan has written website copy and featured articles for Team Liquid, a renowned professional gaming organization with a global reach. They’ve also lend their talents to the video game industry, where they have built experience in community management, digital marketing, and organizing live events.

Vivian has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Previously Published

Vivian’s work helps internet users of all kinds make informed choices about the plans they need. Here are just a few of Vivian’s pieces:


Vivian is based in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. When they’re not writing about internet providers, they enjoy knitting, crocheting, and playing video games. Vivian also loves puzzles of all kinds — whether it’s an escape room, a brain teaser, or an old-fashioned jigsaw puzzle, Vivian can’t resist the urge to work out the solution!

Published with BroadbandNow